God's Way of Remain Anonymous
June 07, 2018
There is a concept called Laplace’s Demon.
Ada yang pernah baca? Gue dulu nemu ini di Quora gitu deh kalau nggak salah.
It is a 'Demon' which has the knowledge about everything, about every tiny particle in the universe. This demon is said to know the future.
We may regard the present state of the universe as the effect of its past and the cause of its future. An intellect which at a certain moment would know all forces that set nature in motion, and all positions of all items of which nature is composed, if this intellect were also vast enough to submit these data to analysis, it would embrace in a single formula the movements of the greatest bodies of the universe and those of the tiniest atom; for such an intellect nothing would be uncertain and the future just like the past would be present before its eyes.
— Pierre Simon Laplace, A Philosophical Essay on Probabilities
Menurut teorinya, semua kondisi adalah sebuah kebetulan, biasa orang awam anggap takdir. But actually it depends on how do you define the word.
If you look at life you will think that everything is a coincidence, kita bisa jadi bertemu ratusan wajah baru setiap harinya, but when you start changing the meaning of the word in your head (you do not call it like that until you see someone you know), you will realize that everything is a probability, and every probability drags millions of probabilities behind it. Lalu berakhir dengan apa semua probabilitas ini? A situation.
BTW pernah mikir nggak sih kalau dapet kejadian yang bagus-bagus di luar prediksi bilangnya 'Kebetulan', meanwhile kalau dapetnya jeleque nyebutnya 'Nasib', apa gue doang ya? lol.
The brain is made up of four different sections. Conscience, Sub-conscience, Unconscience and The Collective Unconscience. Dengan adanya sains, pengetahuan manusia hanya sampai meneliti Sub-conscience sejauh ini. But it is said that through meditation and yoga, one can reach the Collective Unconscience. Collective Unconscience menyimpan memori dari sejak kita mulai hidup, mulai dari kita masih bayi, from the very beginning. So everything that has happened is stores in it and it is not easy to reach that part of the brain. Lord Buddha attained Nirvana (azeeek) because he was able to reach that part of the brain and then he was free...truly free. Thus, these coincidences which we find funny, weird or absurd are actually related. Percaya nggak percaya sih ya... Honestly, I myself am trying to find answers to the unknown, which intrigue and scare me at the same time.
Or, in the alternate universe, perhaps it’s a sign that the universe is in your favor or that it has something in store for you. Mungkin sekarang dari kita nggak akan ada yang tau kenapa ini kejadian, kenapa ini begini, kenapa ini begitu, but in the end I hope it will all make sense. For me personally, it always only makes me feel better. I bet it’s the same for everyone. It’s a good sign.
Gue bukannya nggak percaya yang namanya kebetulan, tapi gue yakin tiap kebetulan kecil itu adalah potongan fragmen yang nggak bisa lepas satu sama lain dan pada akhirnya membentuk sesuatu di masa depan saat waktunya tepat. Entah itu cosmic joke yang bikin lo pengen mengumpat sambil nunjuk-nunjuk ke langit atau kejutan manis yang selama ini direncanakan semesta. Seperti misalnya, suatu pasangan nggak akan menikah atau bahkan sekedar ketemu if one of them nggak merubah rencana untuk nonton di bioskop yang lain karena fare taksi online nya lebih murah, terus ketemu deh (maaf, nggak ada contoh yang lebih 'smart'). Well, whatever, you got my point. Both of them would think its odd that such a coincidence happened, but neither thought directly relates to the fate nor the fact that 'feeling' came at that moment. It simply became coincidental because each made that connection in their mind.
You may heard stories of couples meeting up years and years after they first met as kids, you hear of stories of couples being together since they were young and couples who meet but through extraordinary events. However, there also were quite a few instances of where they have crossed paths before, so many times, and actually been somewhere at the same time. Is this fate or just a series of random choices due to the fact that they're only 5 min. away from each other by walking in daily basis? Nggak ada yang tau. Haha.
I guess this is why fortune cookies and horoscopes seem so accurate most of the time. It has a lot to do with synchronicity, lmao. Doesn’t it always give you that goosebumps everytime you think of how this universe works? Tentang takdir dan domino effect yang kita bangun tiap hari?
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You may heard stories of couples meeting up years and years after they first met as kids, you hear of stories of couples being together since they were young and couples who meet but through extraordinary events. However, there also were quite a few instances of where they have crossed paths before, so many times, and actually been somewhere at the same time. Is this fate or just a series of random choices due to the fact that they're only 5 min. away from each other by walking in daily basis? Nggak ada yang tau. Haha.
I guess this is why fortune cookies and horoscopes seem so accurate most of the time. It has a lot to do with synchronicity, lmao. Doesn’t it always give you that goosebumps everytime you think of how this universe works? Tentang takdir dan domino effect yang kita bangun tiap hari?
BUT FIRST THING FIRST, let's take it as a grain of a salt, keep it as lowkey as possible. Gue jamin, suatu hari nanti gue yakin gue bakal kembali membaca post ini sambil ketawa. Ketawa karena hidup ini begitu lucu atau ketawa because this is just damn plain stupid.
Why do I ramble about this thing now?
This may sounds like I making things up, but something is affecting me in some type of way thesedays, its been months. Gue bingung aja gitu, takut, tapi seneng sih (apaan lu, banyak senengya juga). After months, I feel like it develops into something kind of habit. Aneh banget rasanya. I couldn't explain more cause my fingers got tired (NGELES).
Can't imagine if in the future it still didn't give me the answer I craved for, and how funny this thing is always on the back of my head for a long time like it never leaves.
Can't imagine if in the future it still didn't give me the answer I craved for, and how funny this thing is always on the back of my head for a long time like it never leaves.
Look up.
See the arena of constellations dimmed by the neon streetlights.
Keep wondering.
Surrender to this 'situation'.
Keep wondering.
Surrender to this 'situation'.
That's kind of mood when I think or feel about 'that', atau tiap kali gue "LOH, LOH, KOK?!?!?!!?!" yang udah kejadian entah keberapa kalinya this year alone. That just straightfully speaks about the continuity of the saga that is basically pre-determined, in a spriritual level to me.
Gue seringkali mencoba untuk tetap mikirin sisi positifnya aja. How it affects me in a good way, put me in a good mood setiap gue bergumam sendiri sambil selintas mengatakan "What if....." Hmmmm, menarik. Tapi kalau selama ini yang gue bayangkan itu salah, zonk, gatot, yasudalah..... Nasib😂
Dibalik semuanya, kadang kita lupa dan sibuk misuh-misuh kalau segala sesuatu nggak berjalan sesuai rencana kita, lupa kalau rencana Tuhan nggak selalu sejalan sama kita, dan rencana-Nya adalah selalu yang terbaik. But one thing for sure, yang jelas gue sangat mencintai bagaimana semesta mengkonspirasikan segala sesuatunya dengan sangat rapih dan dengan cara-cara termisteriusnya, whatever it is.
Dibalik semuanya, kadang kita lupa dan sibuk misuh-misuh kalau segala sesuatu nggak berjalan sesuai rencana kita, lupa kalau rencana Tuhan nggak selalu sejalan sama kita, dan rencana-Nya adalah selalu yang terbaik. But one thing for sure, yang jelas gue sangat mencintai bagaimana semesta mengkonspirasikan segala sesuatunya dengan sangat rapih dan dengan cara-cara termisteriusnya, whatever it is.
I never had a purpose about that kind of thing for years, let alone a passion. Instead of listing things that I want to do, I list things that I want to know more now, semua ini terjadi after I try to see the big picture of all of these coincidence. Crazy. Apakah ini sebuah hidayah? WOW, SANDY IS FINALLY CHANGED! SHE'S COMING OUT FROM THE COCOON!
Tuhkan, gue beneran deh ujung-ujungnya rempong sendiri mikirin ginian, seakan-akan menganggapnya as something important, padahal ini nggak penting-penting amat. Bahkan gue udah aware ini adalah semacam guyonan aja untuk diri sendiri, a real epitome of everyone's favorite self-insult: "My life is a complete joke!"
When will I stop thinking too much or imagining things? Really though, gue kadang capek hardcore banget sama apa yang dipikrin.
When will I stop thinking too much or imagining things? Really though, gue kadang capek hardcore banget sama apa yang dipikrin.
Mau bandara manapun,
body scan bagaimanapun,
sudah lepas ikat pinggang, handphone, anting dan kalung,
mesinnya akan tetap bunyi saat melewati detector.
Entah sampai kapan para petugas ini nyaho dan mau mengerti,
bahwa metal....ada di dalam jiwa,
seperti bagaimana overthinking itu bawaan gue dari lahir, wkwkw.
If nobody ever hears from me again, we'll be okay.
And if nobody ever knows where I am, I won't mind.
Because I am the one who'll know where I am, and that's the most important thing.
That's all for now. Annyeongggg~~
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